女時尚 Small | I've been taking my measurement roughly every fortni… | Flickr網址安全性掃描由


Small | I've been taking my measurement roughly every fortni… | Flickr

I've been taking my measurement roughly every fortnight since I've been in ketosis. My chest has been around 33.5" for a couple of weeks now and I can't see it getting too much smaller. I wouldn't want it to either. I don't want to end up really skinny just to be a better climber. I could try riding up more hills first! As well as measuring my chest, waist, legs, biceps every fortnight I'm also recording my weight, body fat and ketones every day. They don't change that fast but you can certainly see patterns with my weight and ketones when I'm exercising. My ketones seem to be going up lately so I'm hoping that means I'm adapting. That means I'll have an uninterrupted source of fuel for muscle growth and other important things like drinking tea. Sounds like some weirdo magical diet.... My main concern is losing muscle but I'm certain that's not happening. Stephen Phinney and Jeff Volek in Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance say that you'll gain muscle and lose fat as long as you're in ketosis, are doing some exercise, and have a well formulated diet. For us that means plenty of good quality organic food, plenty of greens, mushrooms, meat, fish, cold pressed oils, coconut fat, butter, cream, and free range eggs. You must also increase in your sodium, potassium, and magnesium and keep protein around 0.5g-1g per kilo gram of body weight, which we're doing by popping electrolyte tablets in our water bottles, always making and eating the gravy from roasts, not being scared of salt, eating loads of mushrooms and avocados, and just eating a few eggs and normal portions of meat most days. There's no need to go silly with protein by eating loads of meat (that seems to be a common misconception). It's all good right now. Although I could really do with buying some new clothes...分類:chest, small, tape, measuring, measurement, 335...

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